
Change starts with a thought, then put into action.  Before this action of accepting my coaching services, it is important that my client and I start off on the right foundations.  What does this mean for you and what does this mean for me? Commitment.

What you can expect of me

What I expect of you

  • A safe, non-judgemental environment
  • Open and honest conversations
  • The hard truth
  • No false promises
  • Being fully present
  • All of me
  • Full commitment in application of work
  • Honesty and transparency
  • Openness to receive guidance and honest feedback
  • No excuses
  • Be your authentic self

My intention is not to waste your or my time by offering you a coaching session, just for the sake of it.  For this reason we may not be a good fit if:

  • You have no intention of implementing the strategies
  • Looking for a miraculous fix to your life
  • You are not prepared to be vulnerable
  • You are only seeking a weekly chit-chat session
  • You have been diagnosed with a mental illness or addiction that requires medical intervention

 Not sure if a Life Coach is what you are looking for right now? Let’s find out. Contact me for a 30 minute exploratory session to see how Life Coaching can change and transform your life from or out of situations you may be battling with.


It’s important that the right program is suited for the right person or group. Why not explore available programs below and make contact for further discussion.  All programs offer discounts on online or classroom soft skills workshops offered by Eden Learning Innovations (Pty) Ltd.

All coaching sessions are done face to face or via Zoom.

Coach on Demand

Do you feel that you are at a stage in your life where you need direction in clearing out the “clutter” in your life  to make space for new life experiences, new positive mindsets and ultimately a renewed authentic you, but you do not have the driving force to get there.  This program is for you.  It’s like having your Life Coach on speed dial available at your beck and call. This is an exciting program as I walk your life journey with you for a 12 month period, sharing in your high’s, low’s and end of program celebrations for meeting your goals.

Your Benefit:

  •  – An Integrative 9 Enneagram profile – Identifying your personality type, strengths, development areas and life stresses.
  •  – Enneagram profile consultation – 1 – 2 hour session prior to start of program.
  •  – 26 x 1 hour sessions over a 12 month period.
  •  – A 360 degree approach covering all areas of your life – areas you may not be aware are impacting you negatively. 
  •  – Unlimited email, Whatsapp and telephone support.
  •  – Discounts to online and classroom (2 in total) soft skills courses offered by Eden Learning Innovations.

You Investment:

  •  – R 19 700.00 

Payment and Cancellation terms:

  •  – Annual payment is made in advance within 30 days of starting the program.
  •  – Monthly payment option available after 50% deposit is made – Prior agreement required.
  •  – Re-schedule of sessions to be done at least 48 hours in advance – No refund or postponement of sessions will be done if you don’t arrive for your session without prior notice.
  •  – Sessions are valid for 12 months from date of booking.

Change and Transform

It’s sometimes frustrating when life seems ok, but there is just that “one thing”, “something”, “someone” or “emotion” that seems to be a stumbling block preventing you from moving forward in life and possibly with a project or goal.  It could be an awareness of a vicious cycle that keeps popping up in your life.  Or perhaps you have some limiting beliefs that instills fear of failure to a point where your success rate is suffering. This program would assist you in a minimum of 4 sessions pinning down the blindspots of your situation. This program brings to light those hidden gremlins that need to be eliminated.  I will work with you to bring about that positive change and transformation over the 4 sessions.

Your Benefit:

  •  – An Integrative 9 Enneagram profile – Identifying your personality type, strengths, development areas and life stresses.
  •  – Enneagram profile consultation – 1 – 2 hour session prior to start of program.
  •  – 4 x 1 hour sessions over a maximum 4 month period.
  •  – Additional sessions will be charged for separately.
  •  – Discounts to online and classroom (1 in total) soft skills courses offered by Eden Learning Innovations.

You Investment:

  •  – R 4500.00 

Payment and Cancellation terms:

  •  – Fees payable in full prior to the start of the program. 
  •  – Monthly payment option available after 50% deposit is made – Prior agreement required.
  •  – Re-schedule of sessions to be done at least 48 hours in advance – No refund or postponement of sessions will be done if you don’t arrive for your session without prior notice.

Couples re-ignite

Married?  For a just a few years? For plenty years?

When last did you surprise your loved one with a special moment of acknowledging them for who they are what they have brought into your life? How often do you go out on dates? How much time do you spend with each other in relation to work, kids, extended family, social circles.  So you may not be having relationship troubles, but you do miss those butterflies and melt in your heart looks you use to give each other.  Do you even know when you are being touched by your significant other? When last were you intimate with intention or is it just a chore at this stage?

This program is for couples who need to spend a little time on THEM for a change and re-ginite those emotions and thoughts of each other, that brought you together in the first place.  Regard these sessions as your compulsory “Date nights”! These sessions are not just filled with deep emotional exploration but also fun, laughter, heartfelt discussions, perhaps a few tears and most importantly re-alignment of values and couple goals.

This program is not for couples dealing with traumatic relationship issues or seeking couples counselling.

Your Benefit:

  •  – An Integrative 9 Enneagram profile, 1 profile per individual – Identifying your personality type, strengths, development areas and life stresses.
  •  – Enneagram profile consultation per individual – 1 – 2 hour session prior to start of program.
  •  – 12 x 1 Hour sessions over a maximum 6 month period.
  •  – Additional sessions will be charged for separately.
  •  – Completion of Individual and couple activities are compulsory.
  •  – 3 Monthly dipcheck sessions to gauge both individual and couple progress and transformation.  This is done by means of analysis of work done completed thus far as well as a dipcheck questionnaire done individually.
  •  – 1 x 30 Minute  temperature  check in session, per week via Zoom – total of 24 check in sessions over the 6 month period.
  •  – A total of 29 hours will be spent on engagement.
  •  – Discounts to online and classroom (1 per individual in total) soft skills courses offered by Eden Learning Innovations.

You Investment:

  •  – R 20 300 

Payment and Cancellation terms:

  •  – Fees payable in full prior to the start of the program. 
  •  – Monthly payment option available after 50% deposit is made – Prior agreement required.
  •  – Re-schedule of sessions to be done at least 48 hours in advance – No refund or postponement of sessions will be done if you don’t arrive for your session without prior notice.

Team Evolution

It’s sometimes frustrating when life seems ok, but there is just that “one thing”, “something” or “someone” that seems to be a stumbling block preventing you from moving forward in life and possibly with a project or goal.  This program would assist you in a minimum of 4 sessions pinning down the blindspots of this situation.

Your Benefit:

  •  – Maximum of 15 team members  
  •  – Initial briefing with management to determine customised content
  •  – An Integrative 9 Enneagram profile per team member – Identifying your personality type, strengths, development areas and life stresses.
  •  – Enneagram profile consultation per team member – 1.5  hour session prior to start of program.
  •  – A 2 day Enneagram Workshop for the entire team. Purpose of this session is to lay the foundation in understanding the personality types of their colleagues.
  •  – 12 x 1 Hour team sessions over a maximum 6 month period. These sessions would identify re-alignment strategies of team values and goals and identifying their aim to                    becoming an evolved team.
  •  – 3 x Monthly dipcheck sessions – initiated by an anonymous survey for all team members to complete.
  •  – Team Progress report submitted to management mid and post program.
  •  – Team members identified for individual coaching sessions will be billed for at an additional rate of R500 per hour for a minimum of 4 sessions.  These sessions are confidential      and will only be reported on to management with the consent of the team member.
  •  – 25% discounts on an identified soft skills course, to be attended by the entire team, offered by Eden Learning Innovations.

You Investment:

  •  – Minimum 5 team members – R28 500
  •  – 6 to 10 team members – R37 500
  •  – 11 to 15 team members – R46 500

Payment and Cancellation terms:

 – Fees payable in full prior to the start of the program. 

– Monthly payment option available after 50% deposit is made – Prior agreement required.

 – Re-schedule of sessions to be done at least 48 hours in advance – No refund or postponement of sessions will be done if staff members don’t arrive for their sessions without prior            notice.

Educator Re-awakening

Often in our adult life we may reflect on our school days and ponder on a significant teacher who has had a major impact on our life.  Hopefully, that impact was positive. How often did we think about looking those teachers up to thank them for their commitment and heart towards the students at that time? Some of those students may have, because of that impact decided to take on the education journey themselves and obtain their degree in Teaching.  Years later, some educators may question why they are still in their role as educator.

Are you that educator? Are you the Department Head who has noticed a decline in drive and motivation within your team? Are you the Headmaster who feels that your team of educators need a re-awakening to re-wire their passion for education and children alike – in today’s trying times? Then this program is well suited for that need.

We revisit the educator’s entire qualification and educating journey, re-igniting the passion, heart, love, drive and tenacity of their calling…yes their calling.  Educators are not educators by chance, but may not be getting the respect and honour that they deserve.  We work through all the  enablers that may have brought the current lack of passion about.

This program interactive program will bring out the pupil in each educator bringing forth, once again their reason for being.

Your Benefit:

  •  – Management Engagement session – 1 – 2 hours
  •  – 15 Educators per cohort dependent on the number of educator complement. 
  •  – An Integrative 9 Enneagram profile per educator – Identifying your personality type, strengths, development areas and life stresses.
  •  – Enneagram profile consultation per educator – 1 hour session prior to start of program.
  •  – 1 Full day Enneagram workshop per cohort.   Purpose of this session is to lay the foundation in understanding the personality types of their colleagues.
  •  – 12 x 1 Hour sessions over a maximum 6 month period – per cohort
  •  – 3 x Monthly dipcheck sessions – initiated by an anonymous survey for all team members to complete.
  •  – Team Progress report submitted to management mid and post program per cohort.
  •  – Team members identified for individual coaching sessions will be billed for at an additional rate of R500.00 per hour for a minimum of 4 sessions.  These sessions are                      confidential and will only be reported on to management with the consent of the team member.
  •  – 25% Discount on an identified soft skills course, to be attended by the entire team, offered by Eden Learning Innovations.

You Investment per cohort:

  •  – R 44 500.00 

Payment and Cancellation terms:

  •  – Fees payable in full prior to the start of the program. 
  •  – Monthly payment option available after 50% deposit is made – Prior agreement required.
  •  – Re-schedule of sessions to be done at least 48 hours in advance – No refund or postponement of sessions will be done if you don’t arrive for your session without prior notice.

Primary School Camps – 3-4 days

This program is aimed at Primary School Prefect and Leadership camps.  Other camps may be considered. Please contact us to discuss options.

School provides:

  •  – Camp Venue
  •  – Food and Accommodation for 2 Coaches
  •  – Educators to assist with specific parts of the program

We provide:

  •  – Camp briefing with camp co-ordinators to discuss customised camp theme – 1 hour session
  •  – Camp planning and progress check in session at least 30 days prior to camp – 1 – 2 hours
  •  – Entire 3-4 day program

Learners will experience:

  •  – Guidance and teaching from 2 x energetic and vibrant Program leaders i.e 1 Coach and 1 Facilitator.
  •  – A safe, non-judgemental space to engage the content, share and express their emotions.
  •  – DISC profiling per learner is completed prior to the camp date. These results dictates the team setup for the duration of the camp.
  •  – A Camp pack consisting of all the tools required for their learning over the 3-4 day period. 
    •  **This includes stationery, journal, team bandannas, water bottles etc 
  •  – Age appropriate soft skills training
  •  – Daily guided reflections
  •  – Physical activities embedding the soft skills learning which includes a potjie kos competition.
  •  – Free time to engage with each other
  •  – Learners will be observed and one on one coaching sessions will be done with learners where we identify the need, due to behaviour i.e. emotional, aggressive, introverted etc.
  •  – Team and Individual competition prizes

You Investment:

  •  – Kindly contact us for a customised program cost.

Payment and Cancellation terms:

  •  – Fees payable in full 30 days prior to Camp date.
  •   – No refund on camps being cancelled within 30 days as production and planning is already underway.  A postponement of the camp would be allowed within in 3 months of the      original camp date.


What is the Enneagram and how can it help you become a better version of you?


The Integrative Enneagram creates self-awareness and uncovers the patterns of behaviour that sub-consciously drive and motivate us to act in certain ways. When we make these patterns and motivations conscious, we are able to transcend them and develop richer, more supportive ways of being. Working with the Enneagram empowers individuals to take responsibility for their own behaviours and growth, from a greater understanding of why they act and react the way they do.

Enneagram Stand Alone – Standard Profile

For Individuals

R3650 inclusive of:

* A 22 page personal profile that covers the Enneagram specific constructs that support self-awareness and personal transformation.

* A 1.5 hour one-on-one Enneagram Debrief Session.

* 4 x 1 hour Coaching sessions post debrief session to embed the transformation.

* You walk away with a better understanding of who you are, what makes you tick, your blindspots, your stresses and development and growth areas.

Enneagram Stand Alone – Professionals Profile

For Leaders

R4200 inclusive of:

* a 42 page personal profile that builds on the foundational content of the Standard Report. It adds value to professionals by covering specific competency areas that influence effectiveness and development as a leader or manager of others.

* A 1.5 hour one-on-one Enneagram profile debrief session.

* 4 x 1 hour Coaching sessions post debrief session to embed the transformation for both you and your team.

* You walk away with a better understanding of the type of leader you have been and how this has impacted your team. This transformation will not only bring about personal growth but also team productivity, transparency and willingness to be part of your team.